A philosophical study of “the good life”: What constitutes a good life: “How ought one to live?” Examination and critical analysis of a variety of ethical theories from classical through the present and their practical application to contemporary issues.

Strategic uses of information systems, information systems in business functions, computer hardware and software, telecommunications and networks, electronic commerce, data and knowledge management, decision support systems, intelligent systems, and systems development.

A study of the evolution of accounting; the functions of accounting in identifying, recording, and classifying financial transactions; characteristics of various types of accounts; the accounting principles and concepts for measuring these financial transactions; a preparation of financial statements; the usefulness and limitations of accounting information as well as preparation of financial statements for an entity with incomplete accounting records.

An overview of the modern market economy as a system for dealing with the problem of scarcity; Operations and decision-making of economic units; Concepts of supply, demand and resource allocation; analysis of various market structures; economic policy.

This course provides a study and practice of English writing skills, with the aim that the students can compose clear and effective technical writings with correct and appropriate usage of the language. The students will be trained to write technical essays, reports, articles, and manuals.

This course provides an elementary introduction to probability and statistics with applications. The topics of study include elementary probability theory, discrete random variables and probability distributions, continuous random variables and probability distributions, joint probability distributions, expected values, random sampling, parameter estimation, and hypothesis testing.